Wheat Fields with blue skies.

Local Food

This piece by Huffington Post writer/coinstigator for RFP Ellen Kanner uncovers the secret behind dirty jeans and blackened fingernails farmers carry these days. Hidden in the following post are the locations of 6000 farmers markets, so come and discover: Local Hero Co-ops and food buying clubs near you in Florida There is one near you..

Who enjoys cooking ?

There actually  is such a thing as the National center for home Food preservation. Great site ! One of the best sites on pickling : culturedpickleshop.com Baking with the american guru on the Topic, Rose Levy Beranbaum Watch how a champ makes an omelette, and then watch some more at the NYT video page. Two of the […]


We usually do not promote companies, here comes the exception to the rule. Real Food, tons of it actually, maybe too late for Thanksgiving, keep them in mind for Christmas though ! Good Food Source : The online resource for food lovers. NFL players do better with real food. See it here at the NYT […]