2025 or the advent of alternative facts in Real Food

I was thinking of blurting out a 1000 word Jeremiad, but thought better of it. Instead, this year ahead should be regarded as to what will disproportionately influence this country and as a consequence sooner or later, affect the planet. 2025 won’t have an outsized effect on food, though maybe on the lives of millions […]

On the status of food in 2023

  At the beginning of every year you will read about trends like botanicals in beverages or alternative chocolates, the continuing rise of plant based meats, robotics in food prep and the likes. For a change we highlight the comparison of rich versus poor countries in terms of food quality, in our view the biggest […]

watering plants

What to plant, where and when

Depending on where you live, you have different types of plants you could raise in your home garden or even on your window sill. This page of the university of Florida provides an exemplary table of content and surely any university in your state will offer similar services to those who are curious about the […]

Salad bowls

On the state of food in 2020

  They say journalism needs to put facts into context, be objective as much as possible and freely accessible to the public. I will try to accomplish this during the next lines and write about the future of food. It helps to know our diet all across the globe has been one of the seasons, […]

Real Food in 2019

Food in 2019 For me 2019 will bring countless times friends and family sit around the kitchen table, facing freshly baked pastries and breads, coffee and home made jam, free range eggs and my in house cured bacon. 2019 brings less hunger in the world, especially where I live, because the inhabitants and restaurants of […]

The Real Food Project in 2028

  It is that time where outside of new years resolutions and a look back over the shoulder on how the last year went, we might think of the times ahead. Technology evolves quicker than it takes to click on a video, ’tis why we too look ahead. From the age of chemical agriculture to […]

starving children africa

Fight hunger – Editorial

There is great news: The amount of people in the world suffering from hunger has been cut in half within the last 30 years. The bad news: 700 million people are starving, and they could be fed easily. Hunger mainly happens in East Asia and Africa today. It goes along with poverty, which means there is […]

Gardening – Editorial

You have only to walk into a grocery store to see why growing our own produce makes sense: a small head of butter lettuce for $4.99; $2.99 for four tiny beets; $1.99 for three medium oranges; and $1 for two medium baking potatoes. To make it worse, nothing even tastes good. Then there are the […]