The Real Food Project in 2028

  It is that time where outside of new years resolutions and a look back over the shoulder on how the last year went, we might think of the times ahead. Technology evolves quicker than it takes to click on a video, ’tis why we too look ahead. From the age of chemical agriculture to […]

starving children africa

Fight hunger – Editorial

There is great news: The amount of people in the world suffering from hunger has been cut in half within the last 30 years. The bad news: 700 million people are starving, and they could be fed easily. Hunger mainly happens in East Asia and Africa today. It goes along with poverty, which means there is […]

Save money, work, time, and more

Here is why fresh veggies bought locally are saving you big bucks in the long run. Outside of this article at keep in mind veggies loose 5% of their vitamins a day, which makes local merchandise better in the long run. Especially when the time in life comes to visit doctors… Common Sense Home , all kinds […]

About the real food project, organic and natural foods

The reason we named our foundation ” Real Food Project ” is because we love real food and anything connected to it. This page is to promote this love. This love takes on all shapes and sizes, we invite you to explore and discover them. Be it saving the equivalent of a house through meal […]

Ocean life

Very extensive and comprehensive  website on the water covering  3/5 of our planet is the World ocean review. State of the art impartial information on the topic, well worth a visit. International council for the exploration of the sea, is an organization of 4000 scientists working together. Monterey Bay Aquarium is a treasure trove of information.

Wheat Fields with blue skies.

Local Food

This piece by Huffington Post writer/coinstigator for RFP Ellen Kanner uncovers the secret behind dirty jeans and blackened fingernails farmers carry these days. Hidden in the following post are the locations of 6000 farmers markets, so come and discover: Local Hero Co-ops and food buying clubs near you in Florida There is one near you..