Here we offer you a selection of outstanding writers whose books are engaging, well researched and comprehensive. Here you find two types of writers: The first group focuses on society and history, while the second has culinary skills as the main theme. While from an ecological and healthful perspective a vegetarian or vegan diet is […]
Tag Archives: diet
Editorial on diet
In our relentless efforts to cut the BS, we research publications and stay impartial as we give you these posts. As science evolves over time we offer the latest on nutritional science. We can savely say that dietary research changes the status of nutrition on a monthly basis. We do publish the latest results, results […]
RFP on Diets
Many posts and links by RFP focus on obesity and diet. Here is a basic understanding as to what we do know: Very accurate snapshot by on the state of nutrition research, synopsis: We know nothing. Proper diet remains THE food issue in the first world. Obesity now reached epidemic levels among the majority of citizens in […]